Thursday, April 16, 2009

People and there pets

These days you seem to always find cats and dogs as a main family pet,
but things are starting to change. More people are starting to have horses
and cows and sometimes even sheep. But why is this happening ???.
Well people all over the world are starting to lose there jobs because of
money problems so people want to have jobs that supply them with
enough money. For example you can breed horses, cows and so on
and you can get allot of money. So that is all about people and there pets.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Are animals right for me??

No and Yes...animals can be good for anyone well at least that's what i recon but if you don't really like animals that much you can always go for insects( ha ha ha) no offence to anyone who might be into bugs but anyway if you are a animal lover like myself you might go for the farmy type or you could be into small dogs and kittens living in a unite but any of those is good because you are still looking after your pet anyway or you might live out in the country and treat any animal like it is yours. So what i would say LOVE any animal.

Animals all over the world

There are allot of animals all around the world and they are  very unique, they sometimes can act like us or they can be completely different. I love animals because they can be pets and they can fill they world with happiness so that is why I love them so much.